(Made under Article 47-(1) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture Charter, 2007)


WHEREAS students studying Bachelor of Science forestry, are the future professionals toward establishing, sustaining, managing and utilizing forest resources.

WHEREAS these duties could only be successfully achieved by the unit and solidarity imparted at students’ level under the common forestry students’ organization, founded under democratic principles.

AND WHEREAS students of Bsc. Forestry believe and understand that the Sokoine university of Agriculture provide for establishment of other students’ organizations as stipulated in Sokoine university of Agriculture charter, 2007

NOW THEREFORE, students of Bachelor of Science, forestry have found their Association, the Tanzania forestry students’ association through which forestry interests will be promoted together with improving relationship with similar existing associations and or club within and or outside the Sokoine University of Agriculture.


To be among the communities emphasizing on trees for conservation for health world


TFSA shall engage into awareness creation activities to students and community around, about importance of forestry sector in conservation for health world. Also TFSA shall participate into forestry activities, for sustainability of forests.

AGM, means Annual General Meeting
Associate member, means a person with limited or subordinate membership of an Association
Association, means Tanzania Forestry Students’ Association (TFSA)
OGM, means Ordinary General Meeting
SUASO, means Sokoine University of Agriculture Students’ organization

1.      NAME
1.1.   The name of the charitable Association shall be “The Tanzania Forestry Students’ Association” here in after referred shortly as TFSA

2.1.   To promote and encourage an interest in the conservation and management of Forests within and outside the Sokoine University of Agriculture.
2.2.   To collect and disseminate information relating to Forestry through
a)      Publication e.g. newsletter, leaflets etc.
b)      Invite guest speakers.
2.3  To form forum for all Forestry students in the Sokoine University of Agriculture.
2.4  To promote and encourage association and or club within and or outside the Sokoine University of Agriculture to mutually benefiting the Forest Conservation, education, research and management.
2.5  To liaise with similar existing association and or club within and or Outside the Sokoine University of Agriculture to mutually benefiting the Forest Conservation, education, research and management.

These activities shall be as follows:
3.1  Engage in fund raising activities that the association may deem fit.
3.2  Organize Forestry study and tours to members to areas such as Museums, Herbariums, Botanical gardens and Nature Reserves in order to learn, to identify specimens, organisms, plants or read more information.
3.3  Participate in National tree planting day, meeting, seminars, workshop or conference so that to exchange ideas and information.
3.4  To engage in Forestry extension education through video shows, slide shows, exhibitions, and publications.
3.5  Engage in preparation and sales of professional materials e.g. pens, t-shirts, caps with Associational emblem

4.1  The registered office shall be in the campuses of Sokoine University of Agriculture
4.2  The Association shall be non-profit Forestry Students’ professional organization, under Sokoine University of Agriculture students’ organization (SUASO) pursuant to Act NO.6 of 1984.
4.3  The Association shall be managed by the executive committee (EC) in accordance with provision of this constitution and the written laws of the United Republic of Tanzania.

5.1  Eligible member is to all Forestry students at Sokoine University of Agriculture, and other related certificate or college institutions.
5.2  A membership is also open to former member (Associate member).

6.1  All full members shall be entitled to the following:
a)      Vote at general meetings.
b)      Be present and participate in association’s activities.
c)      Hold office in the association when elected
d)     Receive at free or at a cost some copies of publication of the association.
e)      Be elected as leader
6.2.   Associates member shall be entitled to privileges described in 6.1 except to vote or to be voted

7.1.   Full members shall subscribe to the association’s fund annually at such times and according to the rate at the AGM shall set from time to time
7.2.   Any member shall not be in arrears for the current year for one month and shall cease to be entitled to privilege under section (6.1) above until payment is done.
7.3.   All members at liberty are able to contribute to exigencies as asked by the association’s officers or EC.

Any member shall cease to be a member of the Association in the event of any of the following:
8.1.   Death
8.2.   Discontinued from studies
8.3.   Dismissal from the University or the Association by the EC and approved later by AGM or OGM
8.4.   Resignation

Finance of the association shall depend upon the following sources.
9.1.   Membership fee from its members
9.2.   Voluntary donation from individual, companies, local and foreign donors
9.3.   Income generated from its activities, projects of the association
9.4.   Fund rising of the association
9.5.   Grants-requested from funding organization to projects.

10.1.  The association through annual general meeting shall elect the following leaders.
a)      Chairperson
b)      Vice Chairperson
c)      General Secretary
d)     Deputy General Secretary
e)      Treasurer
f)       Deputy Treasurer
g)      Communication/information officer
h)      International relation officer
10.2.  The officers can hold office for two consecutive years and shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.
10.3.  Election of position in 10.1 above shall be in the following conditions.
a)   If the chairperson is from 4th semester, then secretary general shall be from 2nd semester or vise versa
b)   The remaining posts (10.1 above) shall be free to any member in irrespective of any year of study.
c)   The election shall be held in 2nd semester of particular academic year.

10.4.  Duties of the officers
a)   Chairperson
                                            i.      Shall preside at meetings and shall have a casting vote.
                                          ii.      Shall convene special and emergency meetings on deemed necessary
                                        iii.      Shall be main spokesman of the association
                                        iv.      Shall be one of the signatories

b)   Vice-chairperson
                                            i.      Shall assume the duties of the chairperson in his/her absence
                                          ii.      Shall assist duties of the chairperson

c)   General Secretary
                                            i.      Shall deal with all the correspondence of the association
                                          ii.      Shall keep records of all activities of the association
                                        iii.      Shall give a full report on the association at the Annual General Meeting
                                        iv.      Shall be responsible for convening meetings
                                          v.      Shall be one of the signatories
                                        vi.      Shall attend and keep the records of all the meeting

d)     Deputy General Secretary
                                            i.      Shall assume all duties of the General secretary in his/her absence
                                          ii.      Shall assist the duties of the General secretary

e)   Treasurer
                                            i.      Shall be responsible for the proper accounting of all members belonging to the association.
                                          ii.      Shall together with one or two other signatories sign and issue all cheque
                                        iii.      Shall keep accounts records of Association activities
                                        iv.      Shall give a full report on the association accounts at the Annual General Meeting
                                          v.      Shall be responsible for the orderly procurement of goods and services and the daily recording of receipts and expenditures.

f)    Deputy Treasurer
                                            i.      Shall assume all duties of the treasure in his/her absence
                                          ii.      Shall assist the duties of the treasurer

g)      Communication/information officer
                                            i.      Shall seek, provide and publish information about an association in accordance to the association regulations
                                          ii.      Shall be communicating with the General Secretary in information relating issues

h)      International relation officer
                                            i.      Shall seek, link and establish relationship with other related international Associations.
                                          ii.      Shall seek for sponsors
                                        iii.      Shall be communicating with the General Secretary in information relating issues

11.1.  Shall comprise of the following
a)      Officers (sect. 10.1 above)
b)      Nine representatives, three elected from each respective semester, one of whom shall be a woman and one disabled student.
11.2.  Neither officer nor member of EC shall receive any remuneration but shall be entitled to repayment of any financial outlays incurred by them in the performance of their duties.
11.3.  The executive committee member shall cease to hold office, if she/he does not attend without reasonable causes for two consecutive meetings of the EC. The EC shall co opt another member who will be confirmed during either AGM or OGM

12.1.  Plan policies of the association capable of realizing the outlined objectives
12.2.  Plan for holding meeting, seminars, workshops, or association activities relating the objectives
12.3.  Approval the budget and its final accounts
12.4.  Plan for collecting donations, grants, endowments from individuals, establishment’s donors, institutions etc.
12.5.  Open and maintaining in the name of the association Bank Account(s) at such bank(s) as they shall decide and pay or cause to be paid any monies of the Association funds to the credit or deposit with any bank(s) and mandates thereof.
12.6.  To recommend a patron for the Association at AGM or OGM
12.7.  To pass resolutions and make decision on urgent matters and such matters which later shall be rectified either in AGM or OGM
12.8.  To do all such lawful things or shall further confine to the objectives of the association
12.9.  EC shall be required to hold at least four (4) meetings annually. Its quorum shall be ¾ of its members

13.1.  Annual General Meeting done once per academic year.
13.2.  Ordinary General Meeting. This will be called by the Secretary General to discuss the internal affairs of the association after consultation with chairperson
13.3.  Extra Ordinary General meeting- This shall be called by either
a)      The Secretary General
b)      On instruction of the EC
c)      On instruction of the Chairperson
d)     Or request to the Chairperson by five members of the EC or at least fifty (50) voting members
13.4.  All meetings of the association shall be presided by the chairperson or in his/her absence the vice-chairperson or in case if both are absent the meeting may appoint to preside.
14.1.  A petition of at least five members or any officer shall propose
14.2.  The proposed amendments shall be submitted to the secretary general in writings and shall be considered by the EC before being tabled at either AGM or OGM
14.3.  The amendments shall be approved at least 2/3 of the voting members present at either AGM or OGM

15.1.  Any person liable to a loss of property of the Association shall be charged before EC where either of the following disciplinary measures shall be taken:-
a)      Compensation of the lost property
b)      Compensation of the lost property and suspension not more than 3 months
c)      Compensation of the lost property and cessation of membership
15.2.  In case of he/she refuses the summons of the EC shall be charged under (15.1 c)
15.3.  In case failure of 15.1 or 15.2 he/she shall be charged under university and national laws consecutively.

16.            COMMON SEAL
16.1.  Common seal of the Association shall bear the following inscription “Tanzania Forestry Students’ Association”

16.2.  The common seal will only be fixed to documents in the presence of the following:

Adopted this……………day of…………….2012
Secretary General……………………………….. Signature……………………….
Three members:  1………………………………..Signature……………………….
3……………………………… Signature……………………….

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